- The ManageXR Team
Search ManageXR and ISO 27001 certification
Search your org 
We're excited to introduce a familiar yet powerful tool to the ManageXR Web Console: search! Live troubleshooting can't wait. No matter how complex your deployment is, you should be able to find what you need when you need it. So, we built a handy search tool to help you move fast
Now you can jump to anything in your organization quickly: search for apps, videos, wifi networks, devices, configurations, and more.
It's official. ManageXR has received ISO 27001 certification 
ManageXR has officially received ISO 27001 certification, a major testament to the security of our platform, organization, and processes. More widely recognized than SOC 2 compliance—though we are also Soc 2 Type II certified—ISO 27001 certification verifies that ManageXR has a robust information security management system and is invested in continuous improvement of data protection.
Read our blog to learn more about this milestone
Other Improvements & Fixes
Faster Web Console dashboard load time
180/360 video player: hide video playback toolbar when using gaze control
Home screen input fix: when hand tracking is enabled, do not switch to gaze control mode
Enable patched app updates for apps with version labels
Share your feedback! Let us know how search is working for you and what else would make your job on ManageXR easier.
Stay tuned for more,
The ManageXR Team