- The ManageXR Team
- Home Screen v2.0
Home Screen v2.0
The new Home Screen is packed full of useful features including a complete UI overhaul, native support for 360, 180, and 2D videos, the ability to launch WebXR links, and more!

You currently need to opt-in to this new Home Screen experience. Make sure to uncheck the "Use Legacy Home Screen" in your Configuration settings if you want access to these new features!
Distribute and watch 360, 180, and 2D videos
You can now deploy any MP4 video to your devices and play them natively in the ManageXR Home Screen. We support many video and display types including 2D, 180, 360, and their stereoscopic counterparts. Just upload a video to ManageXR and add it to your desired configuration.
Learn more: Uploading Video Files Tutorial

Launch WebXR Links
WebXR links can now be launched from the ManageXR Home Screen, opening the link in your device's native web browser. Simply add your URL and launch away!
Learn more: WebXR Links Video Tutorial

UI overhaul, including new ways to customize and brand your home screen!
Tailor the look and feel of your home screen environment with fully customizable color schemes, access to a curated list of 360 degree background images, and even create categories to quickly filter content on the home screen.
Learn more: Configuration Video Tutorial for Home Screen v2.0