- The ManageXR Team
- Stream Device Screen to Web Console
Device Screen Streaming
In the spirit of the holiday season, we've got a gift for you. Today we released one of our most powerful features yet: Device Screen Streaming.
See what's happening in-headset, from anywhere with Device Screen Streaming
One of the biggest challenges of using and scaling virtual reality is that you can't see what users are doing. With laptops and handheld devices, you can look over someone's shoulder to assist them. In virtual reality, you can't do this. You must rely on verbal communication and feedback to understand how a user is interacting with the virtual environment. When you're flying blind, it's very difficult to guide users through VR experiences or help them troubleshoot. With Device Screen Streaming, we're changing that. Now, you can remotely stream a device's screen directly to the ManageXR Web Console.
Device Screen Streaming is a game-changer because it provides you with complete clarity about what a user is seeing and doing in real time. This can help you identify any difficulties that users are experiencing, and provide them with the necessary support to ensure they have the best experience possible. But that's not all- you can continue to use ManageXR while streaming! Minimize the streaming window, send commands, and watch them execute live. Check out how you can launch an app on a device while streaming its screen:

Given the immense power streaming offers, we built a privacy-first solution. Starting a stream requires 'device management' privileges on ManageXR. When you initiate a stream from the web console, the end user must grant permission in-headset. If you do not obtain permission, the stream will not start. You may also choose to turn off streaming capabilities for your org on the organization security page:

Streaming is in BETA, so you can look forward to improvements
You are an early adopter of this beta feature. Remote streaming involves many unpredictable variables and it won't be perfect at first. We hope you provide us feedback while we continue to improve the feature.
Several streaming enhancements are coming soon. For example, in the new year, we will release the ability to stream multiple devices at once. What else would you like to be able to do with this? Let us know!
Finally, for the time being, streaming is only available for Pico devices. We're looking to expand this offering to other headsets in the future.
Keep your Oculus devices awake
Earlier this year, we released the ability to manage sleep settings on Pico devices. Now you can control whether your Oculus devices sleep as well! Managing sleep settings can be particularly useful when you're in instructional, retail, or clinical situations, where users are taking devices on and off and need to be able to hop into VR quickly. To force your devices to stay awake, enable "Prevent Device Sleep" in your configuration.

Thank You
We can't wait to hear what you think about Device Screen Streaming. Let us know what you're using it for and how we can make it better.
Happy Holidays,
The ManageXR Team